Develop skills in designing, building, and managing modern applications

October 20, 2020

Accelerate modernization with AWS Training & Certification

Many organizations struggle to hire cloud-computing practitioners who can drive agility into application development and help build a thriving enterprise. Today, those IT professionals who can keep pace with the rapid changes in cloud technology are in high demand by organizations eager to fill the widening cloud skills gap.

AWS Training and Certification teaches how AWS services can help organizations and developers build cloud fluency with modern application development skills and offers certifications to validate expertise. You can bridge your employees’ skills gap, help build confidence in their skills, and increase their value to your organization through cloud training. IT professionals in every role can take advantage of self-paced learning and in-depth cloud training to gain a better understanding of cloud technology and enhance modern application development skills.

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Seamless Kubernetes on premises and in the cloud
Seamless Kubernetes on premises and in the cloud

This paper is intended to accelerate company decision-makers’ evaluation process determine a solution that ...