The Journey to Serverless-First: Enterprise use case show the way

October 20, 2020

Learn from the lessons of early serverless adopters

Serverless, defined here as an operational model that eliminates the burdens of server and infrastructure management, has been widely adopted by the three companies covered in this paper: iRobot, a robotics-focused technology company; Alma Media, a European media company; and Fender, the American music giant. These companies first considered serverless for a variety of reasons –achieving rapid release cycles, lowering costs, scaling efficiently, and the ability to attract and retain top talent. Each of these companies also arrived at a similar conclusion: the decision to build ‘serverless first.’

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事件無所不在:客戶將品項放置在購物車中、提交財務文件、新使用者建立帳戶、上傳醫療保健資料集。在事件驅動架構 (EDA) 中,事件是應用程式的中心,可加強整合式系統之間的通訊。建 置事件驅動架構正在各個產業中推動創新

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Seamless Kubernetes on premises and in the cloud
Seamless Kubernetes on premises and in the cloud

This paper is intended to accelerate company decision-makers’ evaluation process determine a solution that ...