Data and Analytics (Chinese & English)
MIT Tech Review Insights: In unpredictable times, a data strategy is key
Based on a combination of survey research and in-depth executive interviews, this report explores how organizations today are using data to drive business value.
IDG CIO Guide: Rewiring your culture to be data-driven
This e-book explores the challenges organizations face in establishing a data-driven culture and the four critical steps they can take to begin to shift the collective mindset.
IDG CIO Guide: Modernizing Your Data Infrastructure
This e-book explores why data modernization is a defining moment for any organization looking to reinvent itself.
CIO guide: building a modern strategy for analytics and machine learning success
This e-book explores how the growing migration to cloud platforms and services, along with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and ML.
Choco Up創收入掛勾RBF融資平台 1小時內完成快速審批
初創由於缺乏業務往績,往往難以從傳統銀行獲得融資。不過,本地金融初創公司Choco Up引入收入掛勾(Revenue-based Investment,RBI)的融資模式,透過雲技術和大數據在AWS 上構建信貸分析及融資平台,可在短短 1 小時內完成借貸批核,並在日內提供資金,解決初創及中小企融資難的困境。
Votee市場調研結合AI 實時分析客戶數據
企業要在萬變的營商環境中保持競爭力,往往需要透過及時的市場調研來了解市場變化。不過,傳統的市場調研一般耗時3至6個月才能完成,而且成本可以高達近百萬元。本地初創Votee 透過在雲端建立市場調研系統,並透過人工智能(AI)和機器學習(ML)等技術實時分析數據,大大加快準備市場調研的時間,從而協助企業掌握最新業務機遇。
CodeX大數據解碼基因 藉雲端提升效益
生物技術公司Codex Genetics 透過人工智能(AI)分析基因圖譜及臨床數據,協助醫生、診所和大學診斷神經系統疾病和癌症,為病人找出罕見病的病因。面對海量數據的傳輸及分析難題,Codex Genetics 將數據庫從本地機房遷移到與雲端混合使用,並透過各種AWS 數據服務來降低成本,同時提高系統的穩定性。
Amazon Relational Database Service Delivers Enhanced Database Performance at Lower Total Cost
Get enhanced database performance at a lower cost
Build modern apps with purpose-built databases
Build modern apps with purpose-built databases
Modernize your data warehouse
Modernize your data warehouse
Enter the Purpose-Built Database Era: Finding the right database type for the right job
Going beyond relational databases
An Introduction to Cloud Databases
Break Free From Legacy Databases
Creating a Modern Analytics Architecture
Optimize Data Storage and Deploy a Modern Analytics Pipeline
How got the best of all database worlds
How got the best of all database worlds
Harness the power of data
Modernizing your business with fully managed analytics services
The Data Flywheel: Building momentum by putting your data to work
The data-driven enterprise
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