TechConnect Series - Cloud Security
At AWS, security is more than a top priority and a key differentiator. It’s baked into the DNA of our services. So you can innovate faster, reduce costs and enjoy other benefits safely and without constant security concerns.
Cloud Security and Compliance Basics (English Session)
Data protection is the highest priority for any organization.
Defending Workloads on AWS against Modelled Threats (English Session)
To determine the actual risk and impact of deploying applications to the cloud, companies need to understand the overall threat landscape
Top Ten AWS Security Tips (English Session)
In this session, you will hear fundamental recommendations for simple to implement, low or no cost AWS security solutions that offer potentially high impact.
Improving your security with AWS
AWS Security Ramp-Up Guide
Presentation Slide - Cloud Security and Compliance Basics
Presentation Slide - Top 10 Cloud Security Tips
Presentation Slide - Defending Workloads on AWS against Modelled Threats
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