AWS Webinar Series for Hong Kong
Welcome to the AWS Webinar Series dedicated to Hong Kong. Start building your solutions with the latest services on AWS. Our subject-matter-experts cover a wide range of business and technical topics, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Migration, Data Analytics and other industry-specific solutions.
AWSome Day 雲端技術培訓課程 - 2022年8月份
AWSome Day 是針對 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 雲端服務所設計的免費線上培訓活動。2022 年培訓課程除了介紹 AWS核心服務,包括儲存、資料庫管理、運算和網路、資訊安全等,是次課程還將包括物聯網 (IoT) 、機器學習 (Machine Learning) 及區塊鏈 (Blockchain) 等創新服務介紹!
SageMaker Canvas: Experiment Faster with Low-Code (No-Code) ML for Data Scientists
Webinar brought to you by AWS, ITCS and Anyware: Tips and Best Practices for Corporates Solving Technology Gap of Remote Work
AWS Builder Series Hong Kong: Python Developer’s Guide - Build a Serverless API with Python on AWS (Cantonese)
AWS Business Class: AI資源管理實戰班!一站式系統助你減省90%人手工作
AWS今次與雲端人力資源管理系統公司Workstem舉辦實戰班,來自WorkStem和AWS的專家將會深入淺出教你如何透過一站式的雲端HRM系統,減少90%的人手工作,輕鬆處理打卡換班、假期管理、薪酬計算等繁瑣工序,讓前線主管和僱員只需要透過手機App便可輕鬆完成所有工作。另會由AWS Solutions Architect帶你實戰CI/CD,一站式教你整合及部署流程,省卻開發時間。
加入成功團隊 - AWS 業務拓展職業路徑
AWS 業務拓展 (BD) 團隊是一個多元化且有才華的團隊,其中也包括渠道業務拓展團隊。成員來自不同背景的包括,以及來自金融科技、媒體、遊戲和電子商務行業的專家。
Level 200 Hands-on Workshop – Start Building with Popular AWS AI Services
AWS pre-trained AI Services provide ready-made intelligence for your applications and workflows.
Level 300 AWS Hands-on Workshop – Get your hands dirty with Amazon SageMaker
Machine learning (ML) has become a key technology ingredient for businesses across industries to deliver delightful customer experiences.
AWS Webinar: A summary and analysis of all recent announcements of Amazon ECS
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) allows you to easily deploy containerized workloads on AWS.
SaaS 架構:從概念到實踐
SaaS architecture varies across domains, stacks, and customer requirements. However, there are well-defined patterns that must be addressed by SaaS solutions.
AWS Business Class: 中小企把握「元宇宙」零售熱潮 教你一站式開展NFT生意
AWS DeepRacer Hong Kong League 2022 Virtual Training (Cantonese)
This training is designed to give you basic knowledge of reinforcement learning and get hands on experience with AWS DeepRacer console.
加入成功團隊- AWS 解決方案架構師職業路徑
您是否有興趣了解如何加入並在這支充滿活力的團隊中學習與成長?我們的團隊成員將會分享他們如何從不同的角色轉變為 AWS 解決方案架構師 (SA) 的故事。將分享「AWS SA的一天」、「SA招聘流程」、「成功SA的必要元素」、「SA與客户一起成長的故事 」等。
AWS Webinar: Tuning in Amazon EKS’s recent new features and an outlook for its roadmap (Cantonese)
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS and on-premises.
AWS Builder Series Hong Kong: Getting started with AWS for Node.js developer (Cantonese)
As a Node.js developer, you can launch the application with AWS App Runner that provides you with a fast, simple, and secure way to deploy applications on AWS without managing any infrastructure.