Level 200 Hands-on Workshop – Start Building with Popular AWS AI Services

AWS pre-trained AI Services provide ready-made intelligence for your applications and workflows. AWS customers use machine learning and AI services to make accurate predictions, get deeper insights from their data, reduce operational overhead, improve customer experiences, and create entirely new lines of business. Join the workshop to learn the overview of AWS AI services and get your hands dirty with using hands-on AI services in the AWS console with our AWS experts!

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加入成功團隊 - AWS 業務拓展職業路徑
加入成功團隊 - AWS 業務拓展職業路徑

AWS 業務拓展 (BD) 團隊是一個多元化且有才華的團隊,其中也包括渠道業務拓展團隊。成員來自不同背景的包括,以及來自金融科技、媒體、遊戲和電子商務行業的專家。

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Level 300 AWS Hands-on Workshop – Get your hands dirty with Amazon SageMaker
Level 300 AWS Hands-on Workshop – Get your hands dirty with Amazon SageMaker

Machine learning (ML) has become a key technology ingredient for businesses across industries to deliver de...

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