AWS Webinar: Tuning in Amazon EKS’s recent new features and an outlook for its roadmap (Cantonese)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS and on-premises. With Amazon EKS, you can take advantage of all the performance, scale, reliability, and availability of AWS infrastructure, as well as integrations with other AWS services in storage, networking, security etc., In this session, learn about the AWS vision for Amazon EKS and how recent enhancements to ease of use, security, scale, and reliability make it a smart choice for your applications.

Slides can be downloaded here.

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加入成功團隊- AWS 解決方案架構師職業路徑
加入成功團隊- AWS 解決方案架構師職業路徑

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AWS Builder Series Hong Kong: Getting started with AWS for Node.js developer (Cantonese)
AWS Builder Series Hong Kong: Getting started with AWS for Node.js developer (Cantonese)

As a Node.js developer, you can launch the application with AWS App Runner that provides you with a fast, s...

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