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First workload series: Simplified Cloud Backups and Disaster Recovery on AWS (Cantonese)

June 4, 2020


業務連續性取決於整個組織中有效率、不間斷的資料流程,從營運到銷售、履行流程均涵蓋在內。即使工作負載連續性的短暫失效也可能意味著數千個銷售商機消失、生產中斷以及客戶信任的損失。AWS 支援許多災難復原架構,從針對較小工作負載建立的架構,到能夠實現大規模快速容錯移轉的企業解決方案。AWS 提供一組以雲端為基礎的災難復原服務,可以迅速復原您的 IT 基礎設施與資料。

立即收看這場由 AWS APN培訓合作夥伴介紹如何簡化在AWS建立簡化雲端備份及災難復原的免費綫上課程,采取一個主動的資料備份及雲端災難復原策略。"

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First Workload Series: Launch Remote Work on AWS (Cantonese)
First Workload Series: Launch Remote Work on AWS (Cantonese)


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First Workload Series: Migrate your applications to cloud with managed database (Cantonese)
First Workload Series: Migrate your applications to cloud with managed database (Cantonese)
