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Unlock digital transformation by modernizing with containers

September 5, 2023

As organizations look to accelerate their pace of innovation, they are increasingly modernizing their digital backbone of applications and development practices. Building a modern application means building with the latest technologies and development techniques that support greater agility and improved performance, security, and reliability while lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO). Today, many modern applications are built and deployed as a collection of modular services running on managed container orchestrators and serverless compute technologies that support agility and reduce operational overhead. By modernizing with containers, organizations can deliver better services to customers and keep pace in a competitive landscape. This eBook will discuss containerization and how container services on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help organizations wherever they are on their modernization journey.

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An introduction to event-driven architectures
An introduction to event-driven architectures

In an event-driven architecture (EDA), events are the center of an application, powering communication betw...