*AWS Builder Series Hong Kong* 旨在讓開發人員運用AWS概念,透過分步架構最佳實務和範例,以協助您運用AWS及現有技術邁向成功。 無論您是雲端應用程式的新手或經驗豐富的使用者,您都將會學習到一些新技能,並學習在AWS上構建、維護和部署您的第一個專案。 今天立即學習基礎知識開始在AWS上構建吧!
AWS Builder Series Hong Kong is designed to enable developer with AWS concepts, step-by-step architectural best practices, and demonstrations to help you get started and accelerate your success on AWS with your existing skills. Whether you are new to the cloud or an experienced user, you can learn something new and explore techniques to build, secure, and deploy your first workload on AWS. Learn the fundamentals and start building on AWS today!