Migration and Modernization at Scale with VMware Cloud on AWS

September 13, 2022

Migration and Modernization at Scale with VMware Cloud on AWS

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01_AWS Sharon Chien - 遷移和現代化您的 Microsoft 工作負載
01_AWS Sharon Chien - 遷移和現代化您的 Microsoft 工作負載

對於許多客戶而言,遷移到雲只是旅程的開始,他們通過應用程式、數據和基礎設施的逐步現代化繼續實現雲的持續優勢。在本次會議中,我們將了解 Microsoft 遷移和現代化的旅程以及為何要在 AWS 上對其應用程式和數據...

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Modernize File-based Storage with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP featuring Kerry Logistics
Modernize File-based Storage with Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP featuring Kerry Logistics