Shift-left cloud security in SDLC

October 25, 2022

In this session we will talk about shift-left cloud security by executing static IaC analysis in the SDLC as well as where IaC scan sits in the CI/CD pipeline. We will introduce languages and tools such as Rego, CodeQL and Semgrep and deep dive into the code used to check your cloud provisioning code with step-by-step examples. Be prepared for navigating through predicate logic, Abstract Syntax Tree and Control Flow Analysis!

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迭代開發 DevOps 硬實力 - 在 Amazon EKS 持續交付中整合管理資料庫版本異動
迭代開發 DevOps 硬實力 - 在 Amazon EKS 持續交付中整合管理資料庫版本異動

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Securely managing identities and access in AWS
Securely managing identities and access in AWS

Using AWS Identity Services to securely manage your access can make a big difference.