Build responsilbe AI applcations with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

June 19, 2024
Build responsible AI applications with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock Time: 4:55 - 5:25PM Venue: Theatre 1 Level: 200 – Intermediate Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock help organizations manage end-user experiences based on their application-specific requirements and responsible AI policies. You can deliver consistently safe user experiences through generative AI applications, no matter the underlying FM. Learn how this new capability gives you the ability to define custom policies and manage interactions between users and foundation models (FMs) by filtering out disallowed topics and harmful content. Finally, see demos on how to create and apply custom tailored guardrails with FMs and Agents for Amazon Bedrock to implement responsible AI policies within your generative AI applications. Wilson Wong, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS
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