Data and Analytics - eBook (EN & ZH)
Building Modern Applications Using AWS Databases EN
Cost Optimization eBook EN
Building Modern Applications Using AWS Databases_TC
Cost Optimization eBook TC
Modernize your analytics approach
Data, the lifeblood of all businesses, is pouring in from sensors, networks, applications, and an ever-expanding hoard of connected devices.
A builder’s guide to AWS analytics services
While you can’t predict the future, you can put a solid data architecture in place that allows you to adjust rapidly in times of change.
10 stories of data-driven success
How leading organizations are maximizing business value with an end-to-end data strategy on AWS
Maximizing business value with data: 6 essential data-driven use cases for leaders
Learn how organizations are putting their data to work to drive tangible results
AWS 分析服務的建構者指南
10 個資料驅動治理的成功案例
領先的組織如何在 AWS 上透過端對端資料策略發揮最大商業價值
利用資料發揮最大商業價值:領導者必讀的 6 個資料驅動使用案例
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