Determining the total cost of ownership: comparing serverless and server-based technologies

July 9, 2023

The popularity of a serverless strategy is growing because it provides the opportunity for faster time to market by dynamically and automatically allocating compute and memory based on user requests. For most use cases, serverless allows customers to focus on business logic and writing code that provides customer value, as opposed to spending time on managing infrastructure, application scaling, building service integrations, and so on.

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An introduction to event-driven architectures

In an event-driven architecture (EDA), events are the center of an application, powering communication betw...

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事件無所不在:客戶將品項放置在購物車中、提交財務文件、新使用者建立帳戶、上傳醫療保健資料集。在事件驅動架構 (EDA) 中,事件是應用程式的中心,可加強整合式系統之間的通訊。建 置事件驅動架構正在各個產業中推動創新