As organizations look to accelerate their pace of innovation, they are increasingly modernizing their digital backbone of applications and development practices. Building a modern application means building with the latest technologies and development techniques that support greater agility and improved performance, security, and reliability while lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO). Today, many modern applications are built and deployed as a collection of modular services running on managed container orchestrators and serverless compute technologies that support agility and reduce operational overhead. By modernizing with containers, organizations can deliver better services to customers and keep pace in a competitive landscape. This eBook will discuss containerization and how container services on Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help organizations wherever they are on their modernization journey.
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In this eBook, we will guide you through three pathways that will help lay the foundation for modern application development in your own organization.
In an event-driven architecture (EDA), events are the center of an application, powering communication between integrated systems.
The popularity of a serverless strategy is growing because it provides the opportunity for faster time to market by dynamically and automatically allocating compute and memory based on user requests.
事件無所不在:客戶將品項放置在購物車中、提交財務文件、新使用者建立帳戶、上傳醫療保健資料集。在事件驅動架構 (EDA) 中,事件是應用程式的中心,可加強整合式系統之間的通訊。建 置事件驅動架構正在各個產業中推動創新
事件是指狀態變更 (已下訂單、已建立使用者),並會作為具有特定語意的訊息在元件之間傳遞。生產者會將事件發佈至代理程式,藉由允許生產者和取用者以非同步方式溝通,讓彼此互相擷取。EDA 使用事件來協調鬆散耦合服務之間的溝通。
事件驅動架構是一種架構樣式,使用事件和非同步通訊來鬆耦合應用程式的元件。事件驅動架構可協助您提高敏捷性,並建置可靠、可擴展的應用程式。本指南將介紹並簡要說明事件驅動架構的重要概念。其中涵蓋了事件驅動架構內的模式,並指出了實作這些模式的常用 Amazon Web Services (AWS)服務。最後提供建置事件驅動架構的最佳做法,從設計事件結構描述到處理等冪性均涵蓋在內
許多組織皆希望能運用現代化 Web 及行動應用程式來加速創新,以求達到滿足客戶需求和支援員工的目標。為達此目的,開發團隊必須滿足持續提升的使用者體驗標準及複雜的雲端功能,同時以低成本交付可擴展、安全、高效能的應用程式。
要獲得持續現代化的成果,並非一蹴可及。為了維持現代化,就需要持續提供雲端培訓,讓團隊和人員做好準備。透過培訓獲得能力的團隊可提升其雲端技能,實現敏捷性、快速創新並更快因應不同情況。透過 AWS Training and Certification,員工和團隊能夠無所畏懼地在持續學習的旅程上邁進,更實際且高效地運用雲端、加速現代化及推動業務成長。
在本電子書中,我們將為您揭示三種途徑,有助於為貴組織中的現代化應用程式開發奠定基礎。我們也將探索使用 AWS 開發現代化應用程式,能如何協助您的組織進行創新、降低成本、加快上市時間並提高可靠性。
組織想要現代化其雲端基礎架構,並採用基本運算和儲存以外的服務。我們的研究顯示組織利用了四個主要雲端現代化路徑。 因此,我們將雲端現代化定義為透過下列途徑從基本移至現代化雲端服務:(1) 採用容器,(2) 建置無伺服器應用程式,(3) 使用受管資料現代化,以及 (4) 使用受管分析。本研究將量化利用這些路徑所創造的商業價值。
This paper is intended to accelerate company decision-makers’ evaluation process determine a solution that best fits your business needs.