Webinar brought to you by AWS, ITCS and Anyware: Tips and Best Practices for Corporates Solving Technology Gap of Remote Work

August 8, 2022
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AWS Builder Series Hong Kong_ Python Developer’s Guide - Build a Serverless API with Python on AWS
AWS Builder Series Hong Kong_ Python Developer’s Guide - Build a Serverless API with Python on AWS

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AWS 機器學習線上入門課程
AWS 機器學習線上入門課程

AWS DeepRacer 透過有趣的方式帶著使用者學習和探索強化學習 (RL)。RL 是一項進階的機器學習 (ML) 技術,採用與其他機器學習方法截然不同的訓練模式,它的強大能力在於無需任何經過標記的訓練資料,即...