A fundamental change for digital content creation

October 5, 2022

Technology plays a starring role in today’s blockbuster films, binge-worthy episodic content, and catchy commercials. When creating content for the big and small screens, it’s common for studios to develop entire scenes and characters using computer-generated (CG) techniques.

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運用 AWS 打造絕佳遊戲體驗
運用 AWS 打造絕佳遊戲體驗

技術正在改變遊戲產業,使遊戲開發者能夠突破界限,打造更高水準的遊 戲體驗。大部分開發者都不希望花費時間和精力支援基礎設施的運作, 而是希望專注於打造能吸引玩家的有趣創新遊戲產品。為此,他們需要能 夠以低成本進行擴展...

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5 tips for optimizing your media supply chain
5 tips for optimizing your media supply chain

Whether you’re creating first-run episodic and theatrical content or monetizing legacy archives, building a...