Navigating the new world of digital commerce in retail

July 31, 2023

Although digital commerce1 has been around for almost three decades, growth has recently
accelerated, fueled by the rise of new cloud-based technologies and the emergence of mobile
devices and omnichannel fulfillment. Retailers have been caught up in the digital commerce
whirlwind as consumers increasingly demand more from their brands, including anytime-anywhere
shopping, better buying experiences, and consistently great delivery
and service.

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與 AWS 合作夥伴合作加速推動零售業的創新和現代化
與 AWS 合作夥伴合作加速推動零售業的創新和現代化

未來已在眼前,零售商的思考與行動都必須採用新方式。AWS 零售業雲端方案提供創新、領先業界的雲端服務與解決方案,以滿足現今消費者的期待、達到最佳營運效能,以及提升商業洞察力。

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