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在這份白皮書中,我們將探討使用 Kubernetes 的現代化內部部署系統目前所面臨的挑戰。雖然 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 公有雲端服務能提供解決這類挑戰的優勢,但基於低延遲和資料在地性 (data locality) 等因素,客戶仍需在內部部署執行工作負載,我們將在本指南中深入探討這些層面。

Players are always on the lookout for the next great game, driving constant demand for new, innovative experiences.

The way we consume media—what we watch, how and when we watch it, and what we expect in terms of content choice, quality, and access—has forever changed.

網際網路通訊的興起已經攪亂一系列產業,媒體和娛樂業經歷少見的激烈震盪。 在幾年之中,幾十年來基本上未改變的傳統媒體消費模式已經發生根本性的轉變, 有助於確保成熟媒體品牌持續成長和獲利的業務和收入模式隨之成形。COVID-19 疫情加速如此的轉變,不僅推動 70% 的內容消費成長,而且也促使內容生產者遠 離實體設施,轉而採用更靈活、更符合成本效益的雲端解決方案。

想要適應分散世界各地的人員分配模式,就需要 IT 和 DevOps 團隊實作一些解決方案,讓開發人員能夠無論身在何處均可以使用遊戲工作室的工具和管道,同時不會產生網路瓶頸。他們還必須讓遠端團隊能夠進行高效的視覺協作,以實現設計目標並加快決策速度。

The rise of internet-powered communications has disrupted a series of industries, and few have experienced more upheaval than media & entertainment.

Technology is transforming the gaming industry, enabling game developers to push the boundaries and create next-level gaming experiences.

技術正在改變遊戲產業,使遊戲開發者能夠突破界限,打造更高水準的遊 戲體驗。大部分開發者都不希望花費時間和精力支援基礎設施的運作, 而是希望專注於打造能吸引玩家的有趣創新遊戲產品。為此,他們需要能 夠以低成本進行擴展,並能為全球數千萬玩家提供服務的伺服器。

When creating content for the big and small screens, it’s common for studios to develop entire scenes and characters using computer-generated (CG) techniques.

Whether you’re creating first-run episodic and theatrical content or monetizing legacy archives, building a data-driven media supply chain is becoming imperative.

This eBook will cover a variety of options that exist for hosting your game servers on AWS, with the aim of helping you choose the right tool for your needs.

While traditionally rooted in on-premises technology, modern broadcasting is moving to the cloud, offering opportunities to expand and innovate.

Digital technology is enabling a highly individualized level of healthcare for patients and clinicians.

To meet these challenges, life sciences organizations are turning to AWS to increase agility and speed and economically grow operations to meet increased demand.

Amid these challenges, life science organizations are discovering new opportunities to overcome barriers to innovation using cloud technology.