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Building Real-time Serverless Backends with GraphQL (Cantonese Webinar)

GraphQL is an open standard that lets you request, change, and subscribe to the exact data you need in a single network request. This makes prototyping and building data-intensive applications as simple as writing a few lines of code. In this session, we'll introduce the core concepts of GraphQL and put that into practice with real-world implementations using tools such as AWS Lambda and AWS AppSync to deliver real-time collaborative experiences for web and mobile apps, using multiple data sources, managing offline users’ data, and resolving data conflicts.

GraphQL 是一個開放標準,允許您在單個網絡請求中請求、更改和訂閱所需的確切數據。這使得原型設計和構建數據密集型應用程式就像編寫幾行代碼一樣簡單。在本次會議中,我們將介紹 GraphQL 的核心概念,並使用 AWS Lambda 和 AWS AppSync 等工具作一些實例的現場演示,以多個數據源為Web和行動應用程式提供實時聯繫體驗、管理離線用戶的數據,並解決數據衝突。

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Modernizing Database with Amazon Aurora (Cantonese Webinar)
Modernizing Database with Amazon Aurora (Cantonese Webinar)

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Delivering Business Value with Hybrid Cloud on AWS (Cantonese Webinar)

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