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"您知道在Amazon.com上30%的頁面瀏覽量是基於機器學習(Machine Learning) 的推薦引擎驅動的嗎? 即使沒有先前的機器學習經驗和昂貴的工具進行前期投資,你也可以使用個人化行銷。

參加此 AWS 線上研討會,了解如何通過提供個性化的產品和內容推薦(personalized recommendations),量身定制的搜索結果等個人化行銷來提高客戶參與度!"

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Improving Security & Reliability with AWS Well-Architected Tool (Cantonese Webinar)
Improving Security & Reliability with AWS Well-Architected Tool (Cantonese Webinar)

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The Power of Data in Customer Experience Management (Episode 1 - Cantonese Webinar)
The Power of Data in Customer Experience Management (Episode 1 - Cantonese Webinar)

In this session we will share examples of how industry leading organisations are transforming their marketi...

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